Becoming a Member


Have Your Say


The SG19 Road Safety Group site is open to everyone to read and view, with membership giving no additional access to other parts of the site.

We welcome anyone to become a registered member of the SG19 Road Safety Group website, by becoming a member, it allows us to contact you more easily with information and updates via e-mail. Letting you know our progress as well as when and where meetings are being held, as well as importnat news form Highways England or Beford Council etc.

We will never pass on any information about you to any other party or organisation, the information you supply on becoming a member (nmae and e-mail address) will only be used by authorised members of the group as agreed by the group's committee.

Please sign up as a member and allow your voice to be heard.  Click on the link below and complete the required fields, you will then be sent an e-mail to confirm your e-mail address and activate your membership once validated and approved.

CLICK HERE to sign up

Please also ensure that you check the box to allow us to communicate with you.

We use a community based website platform called the Voice, all registrations are through their membership validation process

Thank you